Adults Trainings

Initial Training on Child Protection [Module]

▪ Child Protection,
▪ Introduction to Child Abuse,
▪ Physical abuse,
▪ Emotional Abuse,
▪ Sexual Abuse,
▪ Neglect

Participants will be capacitated to protect children from abuse.
The methodology of conducting these sessions is by using Lecture, discussions, group work,
case studies, demonstrations, videos etc.
 Tools used; Teacher’s Manual, Child protection tools (flash cards) IEC materials etc.

Skills development for Parents [Module]

▪ Positive Attitude
▪ Positive Parenting
▪ Positive discipline
▪ Listening Skills
▪ Effective communication
▪ Problem Solving

The methodology of conducting these sessions is by using Lecture, discussions, group work,
case studies, drama, video clip etc.

Business development [SYB] Training [Module]

▪ Business and Businessmen
▪ Types of Business
▪ How to Improve your Business
▪ How to develop a business plan
▪ Marketing Plan
▪ Costing
▪ Financial Literature [money management]

The methodology of conducting these sessions is by using Lecture, discussions, group work,
case studies, drama, games, etc.

Training Sessions

Child Rights

▪ The History and evolution of Child Rights
▪ In depth Understanding of articles [1 – 41]▪ Optional Protocols
▪ Rights and Responsibilities

Effects on Child and Family

The methodology of conducting these sessions is by using Lecture, discussions,
group work, case studies, videos etc.

Handling Disclosure

The methodology of conducting these sessions is by using Lecture, discussions,
drama. etc.

Legal aspects of Child Abuse

The methodology of conducting these sessions is by using Lecture, discussions,
drama, Video clips, case studies, etc.

Online Safety

The methodology of conducting these sessions is by using Lecture, discussions,
Video clips, case studies, etc.